the American History Museam,and me with a scared squirell
Our family went to D.C. for my Uncle's graduation. I will post pictures later. In order to catch our plane, I was pulled out of school early, and got to miss three days of school. We all had our suitcases packed, so we could just go. Grandaddy picked me up from school, then we went to the house-selling place and got my parents, who were with someone who might buy our house(keep your fingers crossed). Our plane was small!!! It held about fifty people in twelve and a half rows. Kinda funny considering that our second plane had first class and second class with a rope to divideing the two. We got home after dinner and went to bed (I was the lucky one who got to sleep in the lovesac).
On our first day in Washington D.C., we went to Williamsberg. There we saw what it was like to live in the seventeen hundreds and how some jobs were done. For example at the wigshop we learned that a fancy wig would take about a month to make and would cost as much as a team of oxen. Did you know that people didn't have hair under their wigs? They shaved their hair all off before putting a wig on! We saw a squirell standing still on a garbage can, so we took a picture of it and we also saw a baby one walking--- not running, not skiping, walking.
On Thursday we toured the Washington Monument,(did you know that there is a law that says no building in D.C. can be taller than the Washington Monument?)we saw the Lincon Momorial, the Vietnam war momorial, the WWII momorial, the museam of American History, and the museam of Nateral History. When we first got into town, we were taking our own sweet time. We talked to someone who works at an information booth, and decided to get our tickets for the Washington Monument, first. Boy golly, we had still been dillydallying, and if we had waited any longer we wouldn't have gotten tickets! We got the last ones! At the museam of American History there was a hands on learning lab and I had tons of fun down there,(it was the lowest floor), and we saw Old Glory, the flag that inspired Fransice Scott Key to write the National Anthem.
On our last day of touring D.C., we saw the Burro of Printing and Engraving,which was nothing like I had pictured it to be, the National Archives, where we saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, which I can recite the preamble to, and several other documents and petitions,and the Air and Space Museam.
On Saterday we went to Uncle John's graduation. The first part of it was with the whole school, and basically telling the audiance how hard the students had worked throughout the school-year. When we sang the National Anthem, people were still arriving, and they didn't stop walking to sing it! Other people didn't put their hands on their hearts! The students broke up into what they were earning their degree in, for the second part. The announcer dude was funny, and everybody enjoyed listening. When someone was called, whoever was the teacher of that class, listed that persons acheivements, and told the audience something personal about that person, like what they had been planning to do after college, or that they had just had a baby. They served us lunch there and I had a feeling that they didn't have many people bring food and they didn't talk about what they would be serving because they served pop, these little bitty sandwiches, and gynormous cookies. After the graduation, we went to see the Arlington National Sematary, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the changing of the guard for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
On Sunday we went home.
ps I don't know why my last sentence is in italics, but apparently it's gone now,and sorry for the wierd way the pictures are set up, but it's not my fault!