Monday, November 24, 2008

I hope this works!

I can't belive I'm actually posting a blog!!! I have recently been looking verysuperhard and trying to remember what my blog was called verysuperhard. Finally, I just quit and said "I'm tired of looking, I'm just going to create a new blog!"which is exactly what I did. I have also been recently looking at blogs, becase I want to know what is going on. This is what made me finally come out and say that I wasn't ever going to find my old blog. Actually I didn't start that way. Mom(Stacie) kept asking me if I had been keeping up with their blog posts, and one day when I was done looking at it, I scrolled down her tabs to get to other peoples blogs to see if I could find mine,(she said it was, but it wasn't) and I saw the Bang Gang. Because Megan is one of my favorite cousins, I wanted to see how she and her family was doing(hi you guys). Well after that I started looking at other peoples blogs. It was Grandma Borowmen's post about 7 strange things about her that got me going. I kind-of wanted to post a comment. When I saw the blogger sign next to the other comments I guessed you had to own a blog to do that. Is that true? Anyway, I sat right down(after asking parent permision of course) and created a blog.
See ya!